Happy Friday Off Everyone. Next week is a busy one for all of us at St. Anne School
Monday is the Power Pledger Field Trip to the Food Bank and Food Bank Farm. Casablanca is providing a FREE lunch to all 45 of you ! Great job! The lunch provided is a bean, rice and cheese burrito with a side of tadder tots and apple juice. We have asked that all the students going on the field trip bring a canned food item to donate to the Food Bank. ( This is a different canned food item needed from the Student Council Canned Food Drive that starts next week) The Tour Director of the Food Bank is going to have the students stack up all the donations of food on his huge scale and based on the weight tell the students how many people the food will feed and for how long. Great visual and lesson for the students to experience. Then after the Food Bank we travel to Upper River Road to their farm and get to see first hand how they grow and harvest the food. We will also see that they have 9 bee hives that are all from saved displaced bees from our area. Bee hive #8 was saved from my yard !!!!!! Great story. Last Spring I had a swarm of bees in my yard and Mrs. T gave me the name of this great man that collects them and relocates them to the Food Bank Farm. The students will return back to school right before 3. This field trip does NOT require them to wear their dress uniform. Just regular Monday school attire please. It might rain and blue pants, red school t-shirt and red school hooded sweat shirt would be ideal. Thank you
Thursday after school 3:15ish I have asked my 5th -8th graders to join me (under their parents' care) to Roe Motors to set up our Annual Scarecrow Contest Entry. A big THANK YOU to Mr. Beck and his family for building the wood structure/frame and hauling it to Roe Motors for us. We came up with a great theme and the students are excited to get it up. Check us out after Thursday night. It will be judged Friday at 5:30.
Jog-a-thon is around the corner and we now have sign up sheets up for your students classroom section at the GPHS track. We need awnings, tarps, healthy snacks, card tables/chairs and a camping cot for the First Aid station. The students will be given red 20 year anniversary water bottles full of water at the event!
Happy Weekend! Ms. Sarah
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